Products issued by DekaBank in accordance with the German Pfandbrief Act (see also -> Pfandbrief-Reports) are designated as
- Public Sector Pfandbriefe (also ÖPfe) or Registered Public Sector Pfandbriefe (also ÖNaPfe)
- Mortgage Pfandbriefe (also HyPfe) or Registered Mortgage Pfandbriefe (also HyNaPfe)
Notes not issued according to the German Pfandbrief Act are designated as
- Bearer Notes (also IHS)
- Registered Notes (also NSV)
- Assignable loans (Schuldscheindarlehen, also SSD)
Own issues in bearer form
can be issued under one of DekaBank's issuing programmes.
Short term own issues in bearer form (IHS) i.a. under the Commercial Paper Programme -> PDF.
For more information, please contact -> Funding.
Medium- to long-term own issues in bearer form (IHS, ÖPfe, HyPfe) based on its currently valid Debt Issuance Programme (DIP – until 2015 Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN). Furthermore, IHS (including structured bearer notes) can be issued based on its currently valid Emissionsprogramm für Inhaberschuldverschreibungen (EPIHS) or the Emissionsprogramm für bonitätsabhängige Schuldverschreibungen (EPBSV).
Own issues in bearer form (Notes including Pfandbriefe) which are issued under the scope of the Prospectus Directive (EU 2003/71/EC) and its respective national implementations or the subsequent act, the EU Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, as amended) were issued on the basis of a valid Securities Prospectus of DekaBank (see also -> Securities Prospectuses).
Own issues in bearer form which are not in the scope of the Prospectus Directive, so called Private Placements („PP“), are only mentioned below, if a notice will be published for this issue on the internet.
For non-structured medium- or long-term own issues in bearer form (particularly so called “Zinsprodukte”, i.e. plain vanilla interest products) in general application for admission to trading and listing on the Regulated Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and/or the Luxembourg Stock Exchange is requested. Structured bearer notes in general are listed on the open market (“Freiverkehr”).
Own issues in registered form and Schuldscheindarlehen
- The current confirmation in accordance with § 2 (1) No. 18 b Anlagenverordnung (geeignetes Kreditinstitut) - German version only - may be downloaded here PDF
- For further information Funding is at your disposal.
Rating of Issues
DekaBank issues may be rated. Further information about DekaBank ratings can be found -> here.
Green Bonds Issues
DekaBank issues can also be issued as Green Bonds. Information on Green Bonds (including the current Green Bond Framework) can be found -> here
Public Sector Pfandbrief
Public Sector Pfandbriefe (also ÖPfe) are used for the purpose of refinancing and are mainly collateralized by loans and by bonds issued by public bodies or guaranteed by such bodies (i.e. central governments, regional or local authorities). Claims of the Pfandbrief investors are protected by assets of the cover pool (cover pool register) and are monitored by an independent fiduciary agent according to the German Pfandbrief Act (further information see Pfandbrief-Reports).
DekaBank issues structured and non-structured ÖPfe. The terms of Structured Pfandbriefe depend on the particular instrument structure, are very customized and varied. Therefore the special product information of the issue should be gathered from the relevant terms and conditions and the securities prospectus (if any see below Prospectus Yes/No) inclusively supplements and amendments thereto, as well as the relevant Final Terms (in the following FT).
All Public Sector Pfandbriefe in circulation are listed below; with the exception of Notes which are issued solely as private placements and without admission to trading on a regulated market and without a disclosure requirement under Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014. The data of these securities are deleted at the end of the year in which they were redeemed or repaid in whole but not in part.
Mortgage Pfandbriefe
Mortgage Pfandbriefe (also HyPfe) are used for the purpose of refinancing and are mainly collateralized by mortgages on commercial and/or residential real estate assets contained in the cover pool. Claims of the Pfandbriefinvestors are protected by assets of the cover pool (cover pool register) and are monitored by an independent fiduciary agent according to the German PfandbriefAct (further information see Pfandbrief-Reports).
DekaBank issues structured and non-structured HyPfe. The terms of Structured Pfandbriefe depend on the particular instrument structure, are very customized and varied. Therefore the special product information of the issue should be gathered from the relevant terms and conditions and the securities prospectus (if any see below Prospectus Yes/No) inclusively supplements and amendments thereto, as well as the relevant Final Terms (in the following FT).
All Mortgage Pfandbriefe in circulation are listed below; with the exception of Notes which are issued solely as private placements and without admission to trading on a regulated market and without a disclosure requirement under Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014. The data of these securities are deleted at the end of the year in which they were redeemed or repaid in whole but not in part.
Bearer Notes
The amounts received from the issuance of Bearer Notes (also IHS) are used for statute-related purposes. DekaBank is liable with its entire capital for claims arising from Bearer Notes.
DekaBank issues structured and non-structured IHS. Structured Bearer Notes are issued with or without denomination normally the redemption of certificates and/or if necessary the designated payment of interest is dependent on the underlying as defined in the terms and conditions. Securities e.g. shares can also be an underlying like other financial products/instruments (indices or baskets). The terms depend on the particular instrument structure, are very customized and varied. Therefore the special product information of the issue should be gathered from the relevant terms and conditions and the securities prospectus (if any see below Prospectus Yes/No) inclusively supplements and amendments thereto, as well as the relevant Final Terms (in the following FT).
All Bearer Notes in circulation are listed below; with the exception of Notes which are issued solely as private placements and without admission to trading on a regulated market and without a disclosure requirement under Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014. The data of these securities are deleted at the latest at the end of the year in which they were redeemed or repaid in whole but not in part.