Administrative Board

The members of the Administrative Board of DekaBank

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reuter


President of the German Savings Banks and Giro Association
1. Walter Strohmaier, Straubing
Chairman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Niederbayern-Mitte, Straubing

2. Michael Breuer, Former Minister of state, Düsseldorf
President of the Rhineland Savings Banks and Giro Association
Cord Bockhop, Hannover
President of the Rhineland Savings Banks and Giro Association

Ingo Buchholz, Kassel
Chairman of the Management Board of Kasseler Sparkasse

Prof. Dr. Liane Buchholz, Münster
President of the Savings Banks Association Westfalen-Lippe

Matthias Dießl, Munich
President of the Savings Banks Association Bavaria

Johannes Hartig, Osnabrück
Chairman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Osnabrück

Thomas Hirsch, Mainz
President of the Savings Banks Association Rhineland-Palatinate

Melanie Kehr, Frankfurt/Main
Member of the Management Board of Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau

Dr. Stefan Kram, Mölln
Chairman of the Management Board of Kreissparkasse Duchy of Lauenburg

Dr. Matthias Neth, Stuttgart
Präsident des Sparkassenverbandes Baden-Württemberg

Nancy Plaßmann, Berlin
Member of the Management Board of Berliner Sparkasse

Stefan G. Reuß, Frankfurt/Main
Managing President of the Savings Banks and Giro Association Hesse-Thuringia

Klaus Richter, Münster
Chairman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Münsterland Ost

Katrin Rohmann, Birkenwerder
Freelance Auditor

Frank Saar, Saarbrücken
Chairman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Saarbrücken

Dr. Harald Vogelsang, Hamburg
Spokesman of the Management Board of Hamburger Sparkasse AG and President of the Hanseatic Savings Banks and Giro Association

Ludger Weskamp, Berlin
Managing President of the East German Savings Banks Association

Burkhard Wittmacher, Esslingen
Chairman of the Management Board of Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nürtingen

Alexander Wüerst, Cologne
Chairman of the Management Board of Kreissparkasse Köln


Barbara Wörfel, Frankfurt/Main
Second Deputy Chairwoman of the Staff Committee, DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale

Edwin Quast, Frankfurt/Main
Member of the Staff Committee, DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
Helmut Dedy, Berlin
Chief Executive Officer of the German Association of Cities

Prof. Dr. Hans-Günter Henneke, Berlin
Managing Member of the Presiding Board of the German County Association

Ralph Spiegler, Nieder-Olm
Mayor of the Association of Municipalities of Nieder-Olm