Human resources management

Deka supports all employees in creating a working environment that offers them the best conditions for their professional and personal development. This includes the technical equipment with the appropriate systems as well as made-to-measure training. We offer our employees a variety of continuing education and training courses as well as tools for agile working and the introduction of agile methods.

The areas of responsibility of sustainable HR management include:
  • Successful recruitment, long-term retention and appropriate placement of employees
  • Continuous development of employees
  • Design of a sustainable and healthy working environment
  • Promotion of diversity and equal opportunities
Employee feedback is important to us in this context: To ensure that it is able to act in a needs-based and forward-looking manner, Deka’s Human Resources department regularly exchanges information with managers and employees.

Sustainability and training

At least once a year, Deka employees discuss with their managers the direction they would like their development to take. During this discussion, they also agree on further training courses for which Deka offers a variety of practical formats in addition to
traditional ones, for example:

  • Assuming new tasks within projects
  • Off-the-job measures
  • Short, digital formats that can be easily integrated into everyday working life
Since 2018, the active learning platform “DekaLearning” has bundled the entire range of digital training courses. Deka promotes high potentials via the Deka Development Center, offers trainee programmes for university graduates and a special mentoring programme for women. Find out more here.


Equality is very important to us. DekaBank signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2017 and has been guided by them since that time. Equal opportunities for women and men are particularly important to us – as are promoting work-life balance and managing diversity within the workforce. Our fourth Equal Opportunities Plan, documents all goals and measures in the area of equal opportunities in order to further increase Deka’s attractiveness in the competition for top talent.

Work-life balance

Equal rights includes ensuring an optimal work-life balance. To this end, Deka offers all employees advice on childcare and nursing care – regardless of location. We are also proud of the sixth award we received as part of a study by the FAZ Institute for our family-friendly human resources policy.
Deka’s family friendliness can also be seen in many aspects of everyday life: Over the past five years, Deka Group employees have returned to work 12.8 months after the birth of a child on average.

DekaBank supports its employees in childcare with 30 day care and 22 kindergarten places at the Frankfurt location. In addition, Deka provides free emergency care of up to five days per child per year.

Women in management positions and the professional advancement of women

We are committed to increasing the number of women in management positions and to promoting the professional advancement of women. There is an annual women's meeting, which is regularly attended by a member of the Deka Group's Board of Management, and the DekaFrauenFokus series of events focusing on topics such as "Strengthening cooperation and increasing impact". In addition, two women's networks founded by female employees and female managers in the Deka Group again promoted internal networking within the company during this year under review.

The new career site provides a very good insight into Deka's work.

Diversity at DekaBank

We hold all Deka Group employees in the same high regard and we know that every difference enriches us and improves the way we work together – be it cultural background, life experience or the talent of each and every individual. We work hard to prevent discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying. Violations of the Code of Ethics and other discriminatory behaviour – such as threatening, hostile or abusive behaviour - are punished immediately:

We are happy to have such a diverse staff: Employees from 58 nations are represented in the Deka Group. The most strongly represented nations are Italy, Croatia, Turkey, France and Greece.

The Diversity management team and the Diversity Council, staffed by members of DekaBank’s Board of Management, reinforced their commitment to promoting and valuing diversity in the Deka Group. As part of the business and HR strategy, diversity management establishes and pursues quantitative and/or qualitative goals and monitors all diversity dimensions. This approach aims to create an inclusive work environment based on respect, equal opportunities and diversity.

Exercise, sports and nutrition at Deka

The Deka Group's digital health platform "Deka machtfit" offers employees a wide range of sports and exercise activities as well as various healthy eating options. It enables employees to take advantage of individual and flexible offers provided by DekaBank itself or by external partners. DekaBank provides all employees with a health budget of 200 euros per calendar year for booking external offers.

Sustainability through occupational safety and medical care

Sustainable health also includes occupational safety. In the area of occupational safety, Deka complies with all relevant laws, ordinances and regulations. At their request, employees can receive an examination by the company doctor, with a special focus on prevention and health promotion.

All employees are required to complete an online course on key aspects of occupational health and safety every two years.